
Three Blog Ideas in One Night · 24 August 2024

I am definitely not in a writing funk. I had three blog ideas in one night! Three!

I may be taking the notion of not being in a funk too far. But I am in good company. After all, what movie making company does not make a sequel or five when the franchise is making money. Why not write three blog posts about not being in a funk? Of course, my blogs do not make mega-dollars in a weekend. But that is not the point.

The point is that I actually had three blog ideas in one night! Which definitely means that I am not in a writing funk. Although, two of those blog posts might not make the cut. One might see light as an essay one day. The other though seems a bit out of my norm. A bit too deep or dreary or something. Not really my thing. But who knows? I might need to put it out there one day.

The third idea was this one. Three blog ideas came to me in one night. Or at least three writing ideas.

You might think that is cheating. After all, it is not really an idea, right? At least not on its own. It is not like there was some topic that needed to be discussed and I wrote about it. No. It was just a happenstance. I had two ideas in one night and since I had two ideas, I thought I could write about that, which means I had three ideas! Which I think it is a great idea. Three for the price of two.

Of course, since two of them might never see the light of day, then the three for two is not really a thing. Even if I wrote them all. Which I did. Rather, I am writing the third one now. So I will get all three of the ideas written. I will only be posting one. At least for now. Which is okay. To write three and post one. That is still batting over three-hundred. Pretty good for a hitter in baseball. Maybe not so great for a blogger. Ah well.

The biggest thing though is that I had writing ideas. It does not matter whether they see the light of day or not. I had the ideas. I wrote the essays or blog posts. And that is all that matters. Oh. And I got to have a second sequel (which would be called the third) to the blog post about not being in a funk. After all, if you get three ideas in one night, you are definitely not in a funk. Which I said three blog posts ago. (By the way, there is never a 1 if you have a sequel or five. Except with Star Wars. But that is a completely different story.)

Well, this post is a bit short and redundant, but you get the idea.

I had three ideas. I wrote the essay and blog posts from said ideas. And I got to have part three of not being in a funk. All in all, not a bad few days of blogging.

And if I did not mention it enough times, I am definitely not in a writing funk. Or any kind of funk whatsoever.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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