
Congratulations Class of 2009 · 5 June 2009

Another school year has come and gone and another group of seniors is about to leave. Some will leave our school. Some will leave our community. Most will leave us wondering what happened to them after they left our hallowed halls of learning.

I am always a bit melancholy at the end of the school year (as I have written before). Melancholy because I have another group of seniors to say goodbye to. Another group of seniors to shake hands with and give hugs to. Another group of seniors who I will only catch up with on Facebook or find out on Google what great things they have been doing.

Don’t get me wrong. I am happy for our Cedarcrest seniors and graduates in general. They are excited about life and ready to take on the world. Hopefully, to make it a better place. After all, they have the tools their teachers and parents have prepared them with. They have standards to live by. They have that unquenchable enthusiasm of youth that will help them strive for success. I am happy for their latest success called graduation and I am happy that I have been at least a small part of their lives so far. I will just miss being even that little part of their everyday lives.

I know that saying goodbye to people is just a part of life. Most people come in and out of our lives for a limited amount of time. There are times when we must even say goodbye to permanent fixtures in our lives. Still, I do not like to say goodbye. I like to have my children around me. Even those children who were just in my life for a few short years.

My wife can tell when the end of the year comes around just by my behavior. She does not need to look at the calendar to know when just a few weeks are left. I suppose that I do get a bit cranky because of the stress the end of the school year brings – emails and from parents, grading, teaching. Mostly though, I am just trying to cope with having to say goodbye to my seniors.

I know that moving on is a part of life. Graduation is a wonderful time to celebrate the accomplishments of our children. It is a time to celebrate one more step of moving into adulthood. I am happy for and proud of our graduating seniors. I just wish that I did not need to say goodbye.

Congratulations class of 2009. Congratulations and goodbye. Please do not let this goodbye be your last.

© 2009 Michael T. Miyoshi

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