
Fame and Notoriety · 2 May 2010

In my own little world, I have gained a bit of fame. Or at least a little notoriety.

I was recently at a wedding reception when two fans accosted me. Actually, they were parents of former students who said they enjoyed reading my writing whenever it appeared in The River Current News, the local paper in the town where I work. I thanked them for their praise and as I tend to do with all my fans, rabid or not, I let them know that they can always read my stuff online. They seemed excited about that.

This type of encounter seems to happen more frequently since my writing has appeared from time to time in a couple local papers. I have been recognized for my writing by people at church, at school, and at other places around town. However, being famous is not all it is cracked up to be. While I do not need to wear dark sunglasses to keep from being recognized, I do have the occasional odd happening. Fortunately, I am a writer and can recall some of those happenings here.

About a week or so before the reception, a parent of one of my current students said that I was famous. But she did it in a way that showed she was not impressed.

I had introduced myself to a group of parents at the eighth grade orientation to the high school when one mother asked, “Are you THE Michael Miyoshi?” I was flabbergasted and started to stumble mentally, but never even got the chance to respond. The mother of my current student immediately said in a matter of fact tone that yes, I was indeed the author whose stories showed up in the paper from time to time, and that recently I had been mentioned in local articles due to my national board certification for teachers, and blah, blah, blah. (As I recall, she even used “…blah, blah, blah,” in a chiding, yeah-he’s-famous-now-let’s-get-on-with-it tone.) It was great because she downplayed it all like I usually do. She was humble for me and I loved it. Even if I did not get to do my usual humble shtick.

In reality, the “Aw shucks” routine I usually give in response to recognition is not really an act. I really do get a bit embarrassed when somebody says I did something wonderful. So while I do like being known as a teacher or coach my students remember from high school as well as a writer who wrote something that touched a reader, I still feel that I am just doing my job and do not need to have any special accolades or attention. I actually do want to say, “Aw shucks.”

I know that I am not famous by any stretch of the imagination. And although I want everybody to know my name and read my writing, I like being a bit anonymous. Of course, it is fun to have people recognize me on the street or at a function. It is even fun having people be humble for me. I am glad that I have a little fame and notoriety. Even if it is just in my own little world.

© 2010 Michael T. Miyoshi

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