
Merry Christmas 2010 · 25 December 2010

Dear Readers (both real and imaginary):

Merry Christmas! I hope that you have friends and family around you opening a few gifts that show each other love. But I hope that you did not take out a second mortgage or spend next month’s rent to do so. I hope that you slept snug in your beds until the joy of Christmas woke you up. Or at least until the kids hopped up and down on you, so excited that Christmas is finally here. I hope that you are enjoying our Lord’s birthday as much as I am. Or at least enjoying the spirit of giving, watching with excitement and anticipation of the joyous reaction as some loved one opens a gift you gave.

These are the images of my childhood Christmases that I hold tight. Images of growing up with more presents than expected around the beautifully lit tree. Of waking up early and whispering loudly to see if Mom and Dad would hear and get out of bed earlier than they said they would. Of seeing baby Jesus in the manger. Of finally understanding that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.

Even today my images are much the same. The only real difference is that I do not have anybody to whisper loudly to, trying to wake everybody else up. Christmas still has that magical hold on me. It is a blessed time of innocence and expectation. All is right with the world at Christmas. We almost expect peace on earth to happen on Christmas day.

I might have said all these things before, but this is really just a short note to reaffirm that there are good things in the world. We might not truly have peace on earth and goodwill toward each other all the time, but it certainly seems like it on Christmas. It seems that everybody watches expectantly as others open the gifts they gave. That all understand what giving from the heart really means.

It is also a note to say thank you for reading. For reading about silly and serious happenings in my life. For reading about ridiculous ideas that I have floating around in my head. For just reading about my life and how it might be somewhat like yours. Thank you for reading and empathizing or at least sympathizing with my plight of being just a mediocre man. For while I might still write with no audience, it is much nicer when there are a few readers out there (both real and imaginary) who like to know that life is quite the adventure regardless of how ordinary we might think we might be.

Thank you for reading. I hope that you have a wonderful time as you give and receive your gifts from loved ones, as you get your hugs and kisses, and as you spend time with friends and family. Merry Christmas.

Michael T. Miyoshi
A Mediocre Man

© 2010 Michael T. Miyoshi

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