
You Should Write About… · 24 July 2011

My wife, The Mindboggling Mrs. Miyoshi, and my kids rarely read my blog, but they always say to me, “You should write about…” Usually, the something they want me to write about has to do with one of my blunders. Occasionally, they want me to write about something important in their lives. Or even about their own blunders.

I usually balk at writing something important or worthwhile. After all, I like making fun of myself. And my wife. The kids have pretty much gotten away unscathed in my writing, and I have shown them in a positive light so far. But from the ideas they have been giving me, that might need to change.

It is not that I am running out of funny things to write about myself. I make enough mistakes to fill pages. My family wants me to write funny things about them too. Really.

For instance, Thing 2 wanted me to write about how he put grease on toast. He did not say to write about eating butter or creating butter holders, but these are all related stories that might make a complete piece if I can ever get it done.

Thing 3 always asks me whether I wrote about him. On Saturday mornings when I am sitting at the computer writing, he and his brother often come down and sit on my lap to read what I am working on. Even though I do not like to show people incomplete pieces, I let them read the following week’s post in whatever state of completion it happens to be.

Thing 1 is out of the house now, but he is not out of my blog. He appears from time to time, but rarely lets on that he reads. Still, I know he is a fan. (By the way, you should call your mom before she stops missing you.)

As most readers know, The Mindboggling Mrs. Miyoshi appears in my blog almost weekly. She is not just my foil nor do I just make fun of her all the time. I must admit, when she gives me a suggestion for my writing, I almost always roll my eyes and cringe (waiting for the smack upside the back of the head). It is not that her ideas are poor, it is that I cannot always get the proper perspective. Meaning that I simply cannot see what is funny about me being the butt of the joke again. At least, I cannot see what is funny at the time. In the end, the suggestions The Mindboggling Mrs. Miyoshi makes usually show up in some form or another. Usually later than sooner.

I still need to write about how my wife makes up new words to songs (both intentionally and unintentionally) and how she gets children (not even her own) to be her minions. I need to tell lots of other stories about her. The only problem is that when stories about my wife do get written, they do not come out the way she thinks they should. As many have read, The Mindboggling Mrs. Miyoshi often calls me a liar. So much so that she almost needs her own website for rebuttals.

If you have read this far, you probably think I have said a whole lot of nothing. While that may be par for the course, it is not that I have run out of ideas yet. I am just getting ready for vacation and the thought of having to write something for three weeks out is daunting. Counting this one, I have two. Hopefully, I can write on the road and put out that last piece on time before we return. If not, I suppose I can put out a piece that merely says, “On Vacation.” But I think I will have something done before we return. After all, I bet that the whole trip, my family will say, “You should write about…” And I will eventually. I just hope they read.

© 2011 Michael T. Miyoshi

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