
Better Places Than This · 11 July 2020

“Oh yeah!? Well, I’ve been kicked out of better places than this before!”

If you have never been kicked out of any place, you need to remember this line for when you do. Because in this day and age, it will surely happen. You will surely get kicked out of someplace.

I was not going to write anything else about life in the COVID-19 era. Social distancing and quarantine and more social distancing are all we seem to hear about these days. But as people start to get out more, we realize that there are just places you cannot go. Or at least I realized that. Rather, I realized that there are just places you cannot stay.

I first realized that you cannot just stay places when I went to a medical clinic. I was going to sit in the waiting room waiting for my mom, but I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not allowed to do so. No waiting in the waiting room. Period. So I had to leave. And that was okay. I just came back later.

The second time I was kicked out of a different waiting room was when I realized I should remember that line.

“Oh yeah!? Well, I’ve been kicked out of better places than this before!”

And I would have said it too. Out loud even so that everybody could hear. But I did not remember the line until I was already out of the waiting room. It would have been funny. Everybody there (the receptionist and my mom and my sister) would have laughed. It would have been the perfect timing. Except that I did not think about it until it was far too late. Which happens to me a lot. I know the perfect line to say, but not when I need to say it. Always later. Sometimes much later. Ah well. I can at least write about it. Right?

But back to the line in question.

“Oh yeah!? Well, I’ve been kicked out of better places than this before!”

I looked on the internet and tried to find where the quote originally came from. Apparently it, or some form of it, has been in circulation for over a hundred years. One source said it was a line in a play (I would have given the link, but I cannot find it again). And I saw that Lucy Ricardo said it once in I Love Lucy. At least that is what I think I saw. (You never really know when you just look at the blurb there under the link instead of going to the page that your search engine points to.) But suffice it to say, the quote has been around a long time. For at least a hundred years. Still, I think it would bring smiles to people’s faces when you use it when getting kicked out of places due to restrictions or limitations. Especially, those due to COVID-19.

“Oh yeah!? Well, I’ve been kicked out of better places than this before!”

Nobody will know which movie or play or written work first used the line, but everybody will recognize it. And people will laugh. At least if you actually remember to say it before you leave the place. If not, you can always do like I do and chuckle to yourself as you walk away remembering the line.

“Oh yeah!? Well, I’ve been kicked out of better places than this before!”

© 2020 Michael T. Miyoshi

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