The Constitution Even Defends a Culture of Blame · 11 November 2021
Regardless of our current culture of blame, I am thankful for veterans and active duty personnel who vow to defend the United States Constitution for all people.
Veterans Day is November 11. It is not just a day off from work. It is a day to remember. To remember those veterans who have served in the U.S. military to uphold and defend the Constitution of these United States. To remember those who have fallen. To remember that there is a price for freedom. There are others who have fought and even died for freedom in other militaries of other countries, and we honor them too. But Veterans Day seems so American. So tied up with the Constitution.
One of the most interesting things about the U.S. Constitution is that it defends the rights of those we do not agree with. It seems crazy that those who decry the country are those to whom the Constitution guarantees rights. Rights to not just denounce and criticize, but to dishonor in many different ways, possibly even burning the flag. Those rights are both crazy and beautiful. Which is why we should want to defend and protect the ideals of the Constitution.
What I do not understand is the culture of blame that we live in today.
I tell anybody who will listen that blaming does nothing constructive. Crucifying somebody for being the cause of some horrific ill of society does nobody any good. Especially since no one person is responsible for any of the ills of society.
So why do we have such a culture of blame today? I wish I knew. Then again, even if I did know, I doubt people would listen for an answer. After all, people think that placing blame makes them feel better. In reality, even if we could know that somebody is to blame for some ill of society, blaming would do nothing to alleviate that ill. Knowing just brings bitter feelings to the surface. And like I already alluded, knowing is not always really knowing.
It would be nice to have a society where people could talk civilly to one another. Where assigning blame was not the is all to end all. Where we could even disagree with one another without shouting and name calling. But perhaps we are beyond that. Perhaps we just want to live in our own little bubbles and stew in our own disgust of people who do not agree with us. For that is what I think the blame culture boils down to. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their words or their actions. We hide behind blame and a feeling of self-righteousness. We hide behind pointed fingers, forgetting that we have our own fingers pointing back at us. Forgetting that we have a log in our own eye.
I am not sure what veterans think about the society they have defended. But I believe they take seriously their oath to defend the Constitution of these United States. Which means that they defend it so people can disagree. And even blame one another for the ills of society.
Regardless of the society we live in today, I am thankful for veterans and active duty personnel who defend the United States Constitution for all people.
© 2021 Michael T. Miyoshi
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