
I Am So Weird · 25 February 2023

I just read one of my blog posts (that is ready but not posted yet), and all I can say is, “I am so weird.”

They say that kids say the darnedest things. I must still be a kid then because I say the darnedest things too. Sometimes I mean to say them that way. But sometimes they just come out that way. Darnedest.

Speaking of darnedest. What a strange word. First, I thought I would spell it like it sounds. DARNDEST. Spell checker did not like that. So I thought about the word a bit and realized that DARNED is the past tense of DARN. So DARNEDEST must be the right word to use in the case of kids (and myself) saying the darnedest things.

But then, I looked it up. And at least the show name is spelt DARNDEST. Whew! That was a bit of a tangent. And I did not even get into the British spelling of spelled (spelt). Boy spell checkers are the darndest things.

At any rate.

I was reading about self-deprecating as self-promotion. It was the strangest thing. And yet I will publish it. (If you are reading this, you might already know that I did publish it. Or post it. Or whatever you do with blogs.)

Speaking of post. It is interesting that when you used to post something it meant that you sent it in the mail. Not email. Mail. Some call it snail mail. Not that snails mail anything, but apparently the mail system is slow. Or at least slower than electronic mail. Also called email. But if the receiver of said mail of either kind does not even read the mail, it does not matter how fast or slow the mail system is.

Now where was I? Oh yes. Darndest.

I wonder about my own writing. I wonder how I have kept writing a weekly blog since 2007. (If you look at my table of contents on, you will see posts that date back to 2006. Those early posts were printed in a local newspaper that is now defunct. So you cannot blame them for starting it all.) I suppose it comes down to the definition of a writer.

When I think of a writer, I do not think of somebody who has lots of readers. Sure, the person (myself included) might like to have lots of readers. Might aspire to have lots of readers. But readers to do not define a writer. Writing defines a writer. If a person is writing every day (or nearly every day), that person is a writer. Period. It does not matter who follows the blog or who reads the books. All that matters is that the person writes. And publishes. (I think these days that a writer must put something out there for the world to see to be considered a writer.)

I forgot what I was talking about. Ah yes. Kids say the darndest things. No wait. I say the darndest things. I am so weird. All you need to do is read this blog post again and you will see.

© 2023 Michael T. Miyoshi

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