
Like, Subscribe, Review · 4 March 2023

I have a blog, a YouTube channel, an Amazon author page, and various social media accounts. And I think you should like and subscribe to all those different media. And I think you should leave reviews of my books. But this will probably be the only time I will ask you to do that.

Like many YouTubers, I used to tell my audience to like and subscribe. Or at least I did a couple times. Then, I forgot. Then, I decided that I was not going to do it even if I remembered. After all, people will like and subscribe even if you do not ask them to. They will like and subscribe if they actually like your content. At least that is my theory.

Now, I am not not asking people to like and subscribe just to be contrary. Nor am I condemning those who do ask. But for me, it is like asking for money. Which I suppose is somewhat true.

The same goes for asking for reviews. I think it is the right thing to do. If you like a book, you ought to review it. Especially, if that author is not well known or is just trying to start a career. People leave reviews for famous authors. Those who do not ask for reviews. Which is maybe why I came up with the notion that I am not going to ask people to review my books (except in this blog post). If they are worthy of review, people will review them. If not, that is okay.

I guess part of the whole like, subscribe, review thing is that I am not really out there to be famous or to sell stuff. I just put my stuff out there to teach or entertain. I started my YouTube channel as a way to try and flip my classroom. (Lecture outside of class and work inside.) Not that it worked. People just watched my videos in my class. Ah well. The best laid plans.

At any rate.

Where was I? Oh yes. Entertaining.

I suppose when it comes right down to it, I do not really write to entertain people. Nor do I YouTube to entertain people. (You did know that it became a law that anybody at any time can verbify nouns and nounify verbs, right? But that is another story.) Hopefully, both my writing and YouTubing are entertaining, but that is not really my goal. My goal is just to create a body of work.

Okay. That is not entirely true. In reality, I started blogging to create a body of work. I figured that one day I would have enough volume of written stuff out on the internet that somebody would notice. And when that special somebody noticed, I would be able to be a full-time writer. Well, I have hundreds of blog posts. Which is hundreds of thousands of words. And now I have books out there too. At least thousands of words out there in book form. And I have YouTube videos out there and social media posts and… Well, you get the picture. I have a body of work. And nobody has come a calling yet.

The thing of it is… I do not really care. Oh sure, I write for people to read. Of course I do. I want people to read my written work. I want people to look at my pictures and videos. But I really do it because I believe that is what I am supposed to do. I may be wrong, but I really think God has told me to do those things. So I do.

Well, I am not exactly sure where I was going with this, except to say that as much as I would love people to like, subscribe, and review my stuff, I am not going to ask. Except in those few videos and in this one (maybe more) blog post. So if you do like my stuff, please like, subscribe, and review.

© 2023 Michael T. Miyoshi

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