Pet Peeves · 25 March 2023
Some people like to make pet peeves their ammunition.
I stole the idea of a question of the day from one of my colleagues. It is a good way to get things rolling in the morning. Just ask a question that everybody needs to answer. It only takes a few minutes and it can be a good way to take roll in the morning. And the students usually have fun with it. Thank you, Seth.
Well, I ran out of questions to ask, so I asked what questions my students thought would be good questions of the day. They had some great responses. I should have written them down. As it turns out, I did write them down. The second time I asked for good questions of the day. Yes. I am sometimes a little slow.
At any rate.
One of the good questions I got was, “What is your pet peeve?”
I asked that question one day, but I did not answer the question like I usually do. In fact, I said, “I do not have many pet peeves, but I would not tell you if I had any. I would not want you to use them as ammunition.”
Nobody really asked what that meant because I think it is pretty obvious. But I will explain here anyway.
Many years ago, I told a few of my coworkers one of my pet peeves. Actually, it was not my pet peeve. It was just something I did instead of swearing. I was much younger then and did not think about the implications of telling anybody my deep dark secrets. Okay. Not really secret. Not at all dark.
(I must digress for a moment to tell a true story. I have not sworn much since the third grade when my mom told me I could not do it. Which is a true story. I think I used a naughty word at home one time in elementary school when everybody else was learning to swear. Mom said not to do it so I stopped. No muss. No fuss. And I never really swore much even as an adult. Just because my mom said not to. Nobody wants to dissapoint Mom.)
My coworkers gave me grief for many years after I told them my deep dark secret (I already said it was not a deep dark secret, but it sounds better that way). These wonderful women who had no ill will or malice in their bodies tormented me for years. It was great fun. At least for them. Just a bit embarrassing for me. It did teach me a couple lessons though.
The first lesson I learned from the whole episode was not to tell deep dark secrets (even if they are not deep, dark, or secret). The second lesson was that sometimes people use deep dark secrets against you. I guess it is just human nature. Pick on Miyoshi. Everybody does. Oops. Wrong lesson.
So if you ever tell anybody what your pet peeves are, be aware. Some people like to use pet peeves (and deep dark secrets) as ammunition.
© 2023 Michael T. Miyoshi
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