
Podcast Dreams · 22 July 2023

I have thought about having a podcast. You know. Another something of mine out there that people will not tune into.

I wrote about having serial blog posts on a past blog post. Tune in next time… It was a silly thought really. I mean writing a blog that has a continuing story line? Or thought line? I am happy when I just get any coherent thought out there. Much less one story that moves into another.

However, I think it would be plausible to have a podcast that does that. Maybe. At least more plausible than having episodic blog posts.

But seriously, I have thought about having a podcast. Serious thoughts. I thought a podcast would be a good format for me to read my books. After all, the chapters in pretty much all of my books are about 1000 words or less. Sure, some chapters have more words, but by and large they are short. Short enough to read in twenty minutes or so. Which would be great for a podcast. At least in my mind. After all, that is about the length of my commute, so why not have a podcast that others could listen to on their commutes.

Of course, having a podcast seems to indicate that you have an audience. And I am not sure that I have that much of an audience. Or at least I do not know that I would have a podcast audience. I suppose I would have real and imaginary listeners, just like I have real and imaginary readers.

But I suppose that having podcast dreams is kinda like having pipe dreams. You know. The ones that just get flushed down the toilet. You think you want them to happen, but they never do. Pipe dreams.

I still might investigate it though. After all, if people actually read my books, some people might actually listen to them too. But who knows. Maybe reading and listening do not go hand in hand. And maybe I have less to say than I have to write. (Which, according to some people, is not much.)

We shall see. When it comes down to it, I need to figure out whether I really have the capacity to take on anything else. Probably not. I cannot just keep doing a shoddy job at all of the things I do now, and then take on something else to do a poor job at too.

Ah well.

In the end, I think podcasting is just a thought. A thought about something new to do that nobody will pay any attention to.

© 2023 Michael T. Miyoshi

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