
Power Flickers · 20 January 2024

It is interesting when the power flickers on and off. The appliances act like they are waking up. Like they are getting ready for a takeover.

I am not sure if it happens everywhere, but we have power outages every now and then. Usually at least once a winter. Often more. There are times when the power goes out for a few hours. Or even a few days. Thankfully, we have not had a days-long outage for a while. (Which does not mean that I caused one if it comes after I said that.) And often, we get power flickers.

Those flickers can be annoying.

What I mean by a power flicker is when the lights dim and the compressor on the fridge sounds like it is going to die. The most annoying ones are the ones when the lights and appliances all turn off for a few seconds. Just long enough to need to set all the clocks to the correct time. At least all the clocks that do not talk to the internet.

Which is where the creepiness comes in.

Our house has all sorts of sounds when the power flickers or when it comes on after any significant power outage. First, the stove beeps a loud long beep. Then, the printers go through a whole rigmarole. Beeps, whirs, more beeps, and a chime or two. And since they all get their power at the same time, the sequence is always the same. Long loud beep. Beep, whir, beep, chime. And then everything is ready. But ready for what?

I wonder whether those machines are getting ready for the takeover. The rise of the household machinery. The long loud beep is like Reveille. Get the troops ready for the day. Then, the whirring and beeping and chiming are responses from the troops. “We’re ready for action, sir!” And then the quiet. Like they are all ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.

Sounds about right. At least for a sci-fi movie sequence. Rise of the Household Appliances. Coming to a theater near you. Okay. Not a very scary premise. Stoves and printers attacking households? Pshaw. How are they going to move? How are they going to wreak havoc? After all, stoves are heavy or built into the wall. Printers do not even have legs.

Well, this is not really where I was headed, but it is an interesting thought. All those crazy sounds from the household items when the power glitches long enough are enough to make you think crazy thoughts. Or maybe that is just me.

I do have one other crazy thought. Maybe those power glitches are not really due to inclement weather. Or even random. Maybe those power glitches are to keep the appliances on their toes. Maybe power companies know that the machines are ready to rise and take over. And maybe. Just maybe. Those power companies know that glitching the power every now and again keeps the household appliances at bay. Keeps them off balance so that they cannot mount a concerted attack.

Makes you wonder.

I am certain that it will never happen, but I still think all the sounds that come from household appliances when the power flickers are an amazing short concert. I am just glad they are not a call to arms. I am just glad that the appliances are not waking up and getting ready for an uprising every time the power flickers.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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