
More D.B. Cooper Stories? · 30 November 2024

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Aw c’mon. My D.B. Cooper story is just as plausible as the latest one. Maybe.

D.B. Cooper will just not go away. No matter that the case has been deactivated or put in storage or whatever the term is for not being closed but not being pursued. (Or maybe it is closed. I forget.) The latest story is that somebody on the F.B.I.’s short list of suspects had a parachute in his belongings. He was on their short list because he committed a similar crime a few weeks after the original Cooper hijacking for which he was arrested. (Sounds like a copycat to me.) Of course, he escaped from jail, presumably before he was interrogated about the D.B. Cooper hijacking, and killed in a shootout. So we will never really know whether he was the real D.B. Cooper or not. And so the story and legends continued.

If you have not heard, I have written a D.B. Cooper story. It is called D.B. Cooper and Me.

I was a young boy when Cooper hijacked the plane. I read many books on the subject. I was not obsessed, but I was curious. I asked the question: How could a person do what he did? I asked it in both a philosophical and logistical way. What is it in a man that could make him hijack a plane? And how could he have done it and disappeared with nary a trace?

All those years of thinking about the story as a kid made me come up with my own theories. Which, of course, led to a story. My own fictional story.

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Now, before I go much further, I must say that I do not believe my story. (Did I mention that it is fictional?) It is a fanciful story at best. But it does fit the evidence as far as I can see. Which is important. After all, a story must be believable. Especially if it based (even loosely) on facts. Facts that people know or can look up.

I must also say that I agree with the law enforcement community in saying that his was a heinous crime and the man is or was a criminal. Even so, I like to write stories with (spoiler alert) happy endings.

It has been a long time since Cooper hijacked the Boeing 727 (November 24, 1971), but his stories live on. To some, he is a great antihero. To others, he is just a criminal. To still others, he is a fictional character who is probably quite different from the real person. (That last one is my notion.)

I do not have any of the answers about D.B. Cooper, but I do have a story. And of course, you can read that story in my book D.B. Cooper and Me. It may or may not be any good. But I think it is at least as plausible as the latest story. Maybe.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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