
Time Flies · 1 March 2025

Time flies. Whether or not you are having any fun.

It is not really an aha moment or anything like that, but time really does fly. When you are having fun. I know. The saying is supposed to give you a little perspective that when you are having fun, it seems that time is going so much faster than normal. Like you are in a time warp or something. One moment you are starting to do your fun thing. The next moment, it is time to be done. Bed time or suppertime or quitting time or something. You need to stop doing whatever fun thing it was that you were doing.

But even though it might seem like time drags when you are not doing something fun, it is really flying then too.

Think about it. No matter how much fun you are having doing anything, when you look at the clock, the second hand goes around at the same rate all the time. One… Second… At… A… Time… No matter what. That second hand keeps spinning and spinning and spinning. At the same rate. All the time. Just watch and see, if you do not believe me.

Of course, popular media would have you believe otherwise. I remember some movie or TV show where the clock ticked slower and slower and slower because the person watching was bored stiff. And it sure seems like time drags on when what you are doing is drudgery. But time marches ever onward. It flies.

I think that you get this perspective as you age. You realize that time is precious and that you should not waste it. Make every second count. Not that sitting and just looking at the sunset or watching your kids play or doing something relaxing is a waste of time. Quite the contrary, those moments are the ones that really matter. Often more than those times when you are supposedly being productive. When you are churning out the words for your next great novel. Or whatever your choice of productive time is. You do not need to fill every waking moment with something “productive” in the sense of work or even play. You can just be.

Maybe that is the key to slowing time down a little bit. I know. Not everybody wants to slow down time, but we do need to stop and smell the roses. We need to relax. We need to just be. Not always, but at times. Because we know that time does indeed fly. Faster than we ever imagined.

Yes. The saying is correct. Time does fly when you are having fun. But the deeper truth of the matter is that time just flies. Period.

© 2025 Michael T. Miyoshi

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