
One of Those Days · 3 December 2016

Today is one of those days. You know, the ones that for some reason or another just start out in a way that you know things are not going to go your way.

Truth be told, I never have one of those days. Even today, I know I am going to have a great day. It is, after all, a choice. You make your day what you want it to be. (Sorry if that made any of you gag, but it is truly what I know to be true.) But writing is different. Sure, there is no such thing as writer’s block, but there is such a thing as nothing to say. Or too much to say. Or not really ready to start the next project. Or not ready to finish the current project. Or. Or. Or…

Today, I am not ready to finish a project I started several years ago. Actually, I started it when I was in elementary school. Okay. I did not really start writing my series, Autobiography of a Sixth Grader, in sixth grade. I try to write it like I did, but I did not start it way back then. I started it a few years ago.

I currently have three of them out as digital books on Amazon. I am planning on releasing them on CreateSpace so people can have physical books in their hands too, but I have not gotten that done yet. Sure there is lots of work to do to get all seven books out there. But I just finished the first draft of book six the other day. But try as I might, I cannot get started on the last one. It is like saying goodbye to an old friend. I am just not ready for another sad goodbye. Even if it is really a fond farewell. And even if it is only in my head.

So today, I am just going to simmer a little bit in that angst. And I am going to chalk it up to being one of those days.

© 2016 Michael T. Miyoshi

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